So I am hoping to water fast the next few days after having to digest my binge last night. To start of this fast I decided to do an epsom salt flush. Now for those of you who don't know an epsom salt flush works like a laxative and you take 2 tsp. of epsom salt and mix it with a hot glass of water then your supposed to drink it. Now I don't know who the hell would be able to drink this crap, it is DISGUSTING. That's why I mix it with lemonade mix or crystal light but even then the after taste is dreadful though. I still have about half the cup full, hopefully I can finish it in one last chug... oh my gosh the after taste is soo gross!!!! atleast I finished it!!!!!!!! Seriously if I had access to laxatives I would never do this shit, this would be my last last resort. I can't wait to be able to drive so I can pick up laxatives and binge food galore. I still need to finish my 50 hours of driving and like 5 more drive times from the school though. fuuuuuck. But it's weird I'm like paranoid that for some reason they won't let me buy laxatives because they'll know of my true intent. Oh well I guess there is always self checkout.
Wow I just read back that paragraph and I sound like a laxative fanatic! But actually I'm not at all, I do the epsom salt cleanse like once every month, if that. Usually it's after my gag reflex decides to go on vacation, which luckily is very rare. I feel so bloated, I hate this!
you are crazy.